“Africa 10.0…” September 2014
“Karibu…” The Swahili greeting for hello. Just finished a week in Tanzania hired by longtime humanitarian client, AmeriCares to document their new initiatives and partnerships at Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza and a full day in Dar es Salaam yesterday. What made the trip memorable was not only being asked to return to East Africa, […]
“Africa Calling…” Aug. / Sept. 2014
What’s been on my mind lately… ~cg. Sunset over sugarcane fields in Empangeni, South Africa on Sunday evening, September 10, 2006. © Chet Gordon / THE IMAGE WORKS
“Re-Branding, Web Updates, & Self-Promotion. (Returning to) The Business of Freelancing…” March 2014
New promotional postcards featuring my travel imagery with the dummy paper mockups (lower left & right), and a few mini-business cards (upper left) on Friday, March 7, 2014. About a gazillion years ago when I left the military with shoeboxes full of those rectangular trademark yellow cardboard transparency boxes, negative pages and sleeves of my […]
Recent Video Work:
In today’s multimedia work environment, publications and clients operate on a 24-hour news cycle, each with their own blogs, websites, Twitter feeds & FaceBook pages that continually need images and video. Editors and potential clients need to see that a photojournalist can produce & edit video. Here’s a sampling of some of my video work […]
“The Card…” December 2012
Due to production problems at “the factory”, my anticipated annual Holiday Card is unfortunately in digital / electronic format this year. This version (with the original image made with an Apple iPhone 4s in Abuja, Nigeria a few weeks ago) may have already arrived in your (in) mailbox on your computer, smart phone or mobile […]
“I WANT THIS PICTURE…!” Kano & Abuja, Nigeria. December 1 – 8, 2012
A young boy selling candy pauses on the roadway divider in Kano, Nigeria on Thursday, December 6, 2012. Kano State is the heart of the Islamic community and Nigeria’s third most populous region. © www.chetgordon.com ABUJA, NIGERIA. Saturday morning, December 8, 2012. Some thoughts on working in West Africa, as I wrap up a week […]
“Africa Calling…” (Again) Nov./Dec. 2012
Empangeni, South Africa. September 2006 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. December 2005 Nairobi, Kenya. February 2004
REWIND– Images from the Archive. KAJIADO, KENYA. Maasai elders dancing as part of the three day festival of Maasai warriors in Kajiado, Kenya on Saturday, November 10, 2001. The traditional coming of age Maasai Manyatta festival brings Kenyan men and women together to celebrate the younger Maasai warriors reaching the next age level to become […]
iPhone Photography in the DRC for TIME.
There’s been quite a stir in the photojournalism world lately with the acceptance of images made on mobile devices, and subsequently published in major publications like Sports Illustrated, and Dan Chung‘s take on his iPhone 4s at the London Olympics in The Guardian of London. I’ve been watching the emergence of this imagery made by […]
*”On thoughts of making the same image…” June 2012
When I was just starting my career, a senior colleague at a daily newspaper on the NJ Shore where I was a freelancer, made it a point to explain to me that, “There are no new pictures, just old pictures done in a new way…” I never forgot that morsel of guidance, so when an […]
"Recapping the Kenya trip…" 18•Dec.•11
Well, I’ve been home a full week now and I honestly think it took that long to get over another case of serious jet lag. Flying back from East Africa is no joke, and adding another full day to the front end of last weekend’s travel itinerary made it all even more difficult. The airline […]
"Mombasa, Malindi and Gede…" Day #2. 9•Dec.•11
Got in a bit more beach time yesterday, including a lengthy drive with friends up the coast to Malindi, and also managed a wonderful swim at Watamu Beach, in Gede (bottom 3 images). Temperatures had to be pushing right near or above 100ºF as we ventured north. Just putting a few images up here quickly, […]
*"This is Africa…" Mombasa, Kenya. (Day #1) 8•Dec•11
As if my fixer / assistant Vincent Opondo needed to remind me of it at lunch this afternoon on the beach here in Mombasa. One of my favorite places on the planet to make images, get some sun, swim, and just really relax all of my senses. It must be pushing the mid – high […]
"Kenya v5.0" Nov./Dec. 2011
Here’s a look at what I’ve been shooting this first week back in Kenya. It is my fifth time working in the capital, Nairobi and surrounding areas, and the eighth trip to Africa in the last ten years… “Asante Sana” (Thank you) for looking. ~cg.
Nairobi, Kenya. Day #3. 1•Dec.•11
“(Just) Make pictures…” NAIROBI, KENYA. A muslim woman steps gingerly through a muddy street in the Eastleigh neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Eastleigh is the main commercial center for Somali ex-pats, and is traditionally known as “Little Mogadishu.” © www.chetgordon.com/blog
Nairobi, Kenya. Day #1. 29•Nov.•11
These from today after a 3AM (local time) arrival, and hit the road running at about 8AM. A few early favorites from the Kibera slum, the largest in Africa, where it’s been reported that nearly a million people live and work. “As long as breath remains in my body, I will seek to work somewhere […]
*"Everything Old is New Again…" Mombasa, Kenya. April 2006
MOMBASA, KENYA. A man exercises on the beach at the Serena Beach Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya on Wednesday morning, April 12, 2006. © Chet Gordon/THE IMAGE WORKS A few days ago I added one of the most important software applications to my arsenal that I’ve ever experienced; Adobe LightRoom 3. Then while re-examining some of […]
REWIND– Images from the Archive.ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA. An orthopedic patient tries on new orthopedic shoes and leg brace received from the charity Cheshire Services Ethiopia at the Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Thursday, December 1, 2005. © Chet Gordon / THE IMAGE WORKS REWIND – Images from the Archive. A showcase for […]
"Africa Calling…"
Lamu, Kenya. May 2006 Kibera slum. Nairobi, Kenya. Nov. 2002Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. December 2005 Empangeni, South Africa. September 2006 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. December 2005 Senegal. October 2006 Nairobi, Kenya. February 2004
REWIND– Images from the Archive. Lamu, Kenya. Family butcher shop in Lamu, Kenya on Saturday, May 13, 2006. Lamu Island is a part of the Lamu Archipelago of Kenya. Lamu Old Town, the principal inhabited part of the island, is one of the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlements in East Africa. Built in coral stone […]