“Re-Branding, Web Updates, & Self-Promotion. (Returning to) The Business of Freelancing…” March 2014

New promotional postcards featuring my travel imagery with the dummy paper mockups (lower left & right), and a few mini-business cards (upper left) on Friday, March 7, 2014. About a gazillion years ago when I left the military with shoeboxes full of those rectangular trademark yellow cardboard transparency boxes, negative pages and sleeves of my […]
"Recapping the Kenya trip…" 18•Dec.•11

Well, I’ve been home a full week now and I honestly think it took that long to get over another case of serious jet lag. Flying back from East Africa is no joke, and adding another full day to the front end of last weekend’s travel itinerary made it all even more difficult. The airline […]
"Mombasa, Malindi and Gede…" Day #2. 9•Dec.•11

Got in a bit more beach time yesterday, including a lengthy drive with friends up the coast to Malindi, and also managed a wonderful swim at Watamu Beach, in Gede (bottom 3 images). Temperatures had to be pushing right near or above 100ºF as we ventured north. Just putting a few images up here quickly, […]
*"This is Africa…" Mombasa, Kenya. (Day #1) 8•Dec•11

As if my fixer / assistant Vincent Opondo needed to remind me of it at lunch this afternoon on the beach here in Mombasa. One of my favorite places on the planet to make images, get some sun, swim, and just really relax all of my senses. It must be pushing the mid – high […]
"Kenya v5.0" Nov./Dec. 2011

Here’s a look at what I’ve been shooting this first week back in Kenya. It is my fifth time working in the capital, Nairobi and surrounding areas, and the eighth trip to Africa in the last ten years… “Asante Sana” (Thank you) for looking. ~cg.
*"Everything Old is New Again…" Mombasa, Kenya. April 2006

MOMBASA, KENYA. A man exercises on the beach at the Serena Beach Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya on Wednesday morning, April 12, 2006. © Chet Gordon/THE IMAGE WORKS A few days ago I added one of the most important software applications to my arsenal that I’ve ever experienced; Adobe LightRoom 3. Then while re-examining some of […]