New promotional postcards featuring my travel imagery with the dummy paper mockups (lower left & right), and a few mini-business cards (upper left) on Friday, March 7, 2014.
About a gazillion years ago when I left the military with shoeboxes full of those rectangular trademark yellow cardboard transparency boxes, negative pages and sleeves of my travels throughout South East Asia, I felt that travel related work would eventually be (one of) my passions in this industry. There was never any doubt. Some of those simple street scenes made on Kodachrome (right) and later Fujichrome film stock nearly 30 years ago still look good today. Jump to today where the travel work the last 20 years or so for clients and personal assigned working vacations and the like has consumed me. It still does. Everything from the first call from an established or new client in the initial idea stage, to the logistical planning of a self-assigned & financed personal trip remains a wonder in itself to this day. There’s just something so special about changing your mindset and traveling to an unknown locale, with the intentions, challenges and immediacy of familiarizing yourself with a new country’s culture, customs, weather and environment to then working hard making consistent high quality images. Another part of this approach to new work and clients is the production of new promotional post cards (top) and future launch of a new website (below). Stay tuned… ~cg.
(2) – Beta-testing my new PhotoShelter website displayed on various devices: iPhone and 13″ MacBookPro. March 9, 2014. ©