“Happy 239th. Birthday to All My Marines…!” 10•Nov.•14

The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon. For every Marine that ever carried a rifle… ~cg. The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon perform in front of the U. S. Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, VA on Saturday, September 21, 2013. © Chet Gordon / THE IMAGE WORKS
“Happy 238th. Birthday, My Marines…!” 10•Nov.•13

“F” Battery. 2nd. Battalion / 12th. Marines. 3rd. Marine Division. Okinawa, Japan. (circa 1986). *Yours truly standing @ second row – second from right. M-198 Howitzer F 2/12 Battery, Fire Direction Controllman. (0844) “Semper fi.” -cg. With Marine Sergeant Major Gerald Saunders (left) at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in Parris Island, SC on Wednesday, […]
“My Marines…” Arlington, VA. 21•Sept.•13

The United States Marines Corps Silent Drill Platoon perform in front of the U. S. Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, VA on Saturday, September 21, 2013. © Chet Gordon/THE IMAGE WORKS *Spent the day yesterday in the Washington, DC & Arlington, VA area documenting a mission of the Hudson Valley Honor Flight: www.hvhonorflight.com/ More […]
“The Hat…” Marine Corps Drill Instructor. MCRD, Parrris Island, SC. 14•March•13

There is no one more recognizable, respected or feared in the eyes of a recruit at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) on Parris Island than the Marine Corps Drill Instructor or “Hat…” These are a few of my favorites from the last two days here on “My Island…” ~cg. A Marine Corps Drill Instructor pauses […]
“We Make Marines.” Parris Island, South Carolina. 12 – 15 March 2013

I am working at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in Parris Island, SC. This military installation is known the world over as Marine Boot Camp. I was last here in November 1982, when I enlisted as a Marine. Semper Fi. “It’s been 30 years…” ~cg. A bus waits near the infamous “Yellow Footprints” before […]
Happy Birthday to All My Marines. “Semper fi…!” 10•Nov.•12
The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon. For every Marine that ever carried a rifle… ~cg.
"Once a Marine…" 10•Nov.•11

“Semper fi…!” Today is the United States Marine Corps’ 236th. Birthday. MCRD. Parris Island, SC. 1982.“H” Battery, 3rd. Battalion / 11th. Marines. 1st. Marine Division. CAMP PENDLETON, CA. JUNE 1984. “F” Battery. 2nd. Battalion / 12th. Marines. Okinawa, Japan. 1986. At 5:15AM with newly commissioned Marine 2nd. Lt. David Padgett outside his Rye, NY home […]
"Memorial Day…"

Today is Memorial Day. So much more than cookouts, ballgames and day trips to the beach, lake or catching another blowout holiday sale at the dreaded local mall. Don’t think so, ask any family member who’s lost a loved one… Semper fi. ~cg.
"Once a Marine…" Newburgh, NY 8•April•11

“Semper Fi…” Angela Ryan (right) caresses the gloved hand of her son, Marine Sgt. Eddie Ryan during his separation and discharge ceremony from active duty at Stewart Air National Guard Base (ANGB) in Newburgh, NY on Friday, April 8, 2011. Sgt. Ryan is the Ellenville, NY Marine sniper who was severely wounded in Iraq in […]
Veteran’s Day.
“Fox” Battery. 2nd. Battalion / 12th. Marines. Okinawa, Japan. (circa 1986).*Yours truly standing @ second row – second from right. M-198 Howitzer F 2/12 Battery, Fire Direction Controlman. (0844) Today is Veteran’s Day. Yesterday was the United States Marine Corps’ 235th. birthday. With all the happenings in the world today & in my career, it’s […]
Veteran’s Day. Marlborough, NY 11•Nov.•09
Marine Sgt. Taj Adegbie (center) secures the Marine Corps flag with other members of the United States Marine Corps color guard from MAG 49, Detachment B at Stewart Air National Guard Base during the Veteran’s Day Memorial Dedication ceremony at Marlborough Middle School on Wednesday, November 11, 2009. The Viebey-Sutton American Legion Post 124 unveiled […]