"Tè Tremblé…" Remembering the Earthquake in Haiti. 2 Years Ago ~ Today. 12•Jan.•10

Two years ago today, January 12th., 2010, Haiti was devastated by a massive earthquake, what Haitians call “Tè Tremblé, the earth trembles…” Nearly a quarter of a million people were killed and more than 1.5 million were left homeless. It was one of the worst natural disasters in history. I arrived in Haiti two weeks […]
Photographer Daniel Morel wins 2 World Press Photo Awards.

2011 WORLD PRESS PHOTO Image © Daniel Morel/Photomorel, courtesy of the photographer. My longtime friend and colleague, Daniel Morel has won two World Press Photo Awards in the 2011 competition held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You may know his iconic image above as Daniel, a Haitian photographer created the first images after the earthquake struck […]
"All the Way Back Home from Haiti…" 07•Feb.•10
So I’ve been back home for a week now from the earthquake in Haiti. Barely had enough time to do laundry, and get to the stack of dishes that seemed to grow in my kitchen sink. Those of you that travel hard for international assignments must know of these feelings. This was the third earthquake […]
Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 30•Jan.•10
This is Port-au-Prince today, two and a half weeks after the earthquake that killed an estimated 200,000 people. More on all this later when I return to CONUS and am able to add a slideshow here to the blog. These are the images that we all as photojournalists push ourselves to create. No matter where […]
Onè Respe: A Photographic Benefit for the Survivors of the Haiti Earthquake
When last week’s massive 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, rescue & humanitarian workers from around the world stepped up immediately – some arriving within 24 hours. Photographers from the world’s premiere picture agencies, newspapers & wire services raced to the island nation as well. The images coming out of the capital city Port-au-Prince and outlaying countryside […]

Haiti. Oct. 1993. In October 1993 I traveled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti with two colleagues on my first personal international shooting trip. I remember walking the streets in Cite Soleil, Cite Carton,Bel Air, Delmas and of course Petionville. Working in Haiti on that first self assigned project changed my personal perspectives onapproaching long-term projects and of […]

REWIND– Images from the Archive. Cockfighters. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. October 1993. Presenting REWIND – Images from the Archive. I’ve thought for the longest time on how to showcase some of my favorite images here on the blog that aren’t particularly in the working portfolio for one reason or another. Look for this occasional feature where I’ll […]