Posts Tagged ‘archive’

*”Beta Testing a New Image Site…” March 1, 2014.

PhotoShelter Beta3a

I have researched and am currently testing a new site to host and display my work more efficiently. There is a need for clients, and probably just as important – potential new clients to easily view my portfolio and archived images as searchable category thumbnails and large slideshows without having to search through posts, links […]

"The $1,000.+ baby photograph…" April•2005

VALHALLA, NY. Three-day old newborn premature baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Westchester Medical Center University Hospital in Valhalla, NY on Wednesday, April 13, 2005. © CHET GORDON / THE IMAGE WORKS I’ve been meaning to write about this image for a quite a while now. This image has sold numerous times […]

*My Photo in USA 19•Aug.•09

Don Hewitt, former 60 MINUTES Executive Producer photographed in his Manhattan office in December 1995. Hewitt passed away at age 86. (Chet Gordon / The Journal News) *A portrait I made back in 1995 or so of former 60 MINUTES Executive Producer Don Hewitt appears on the USA Today website. Hewitt’s career as a television […]

This photo has "grown legs…" July 2009

An image of mine I made back in 2006 in the Gulf Coast appears on client AmeriCares website. I’d toured the New Orleans area, as well as into Mississippi during the week I spent shooting for them back in June 2006, ten months after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast states. An image from that […]

Kodachrome is retired by Eastman Kodak Co. 22•June•09

“Goodbye, Old friend…” Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to take pictures. Like the pros. Used to cut out images from the major magazines, and literally tape them to my bedroom wall as a teenager growing up on the NJ Shore. I’d also collect these clippings in binders and committed to memory the name […]

*Alex Rodriguez archived images & the importance of writing good captions…

*(Above) Doing an archived search in the application CDFinder for Alex Rodriguez images I shot of him a few years ago. OK, I’m going to give this lesson again. Pay attention. Sit up straight. There will be more explanations and a pop-quiz sometime soon following on the blog. I was a night photo-editor at one […]