“Sometimes You Just Have To Get Wet…” July 2013

A young woman keeps cool in her backyard pool in Blooming Grove, NY on Thursday, July 18, 2013. Temperatures continued to reach into the mid-90’s, as a mid-summer heatwave lingers throughout the East Coast. © CHET GORDON/Times Herald-Record (2) During last week’s heatwave that broiled the East Coast of the U.S., photographers at my newspaper […]
"They’re just ‘Hammers & Nails’, man…" Jan. 2012

My gear used to cover Boys HS Varsity swimming between Monroe-Woodbury & Kingston High Schools at Monroe-Woodbury Middle School in Central Valley, NY on Tuesday, January 17, 2012. © www.chetgordon.com/blog Now that covering the indoor sports seasons are finally in full swing for me again, here’s a brief look at what I go through as […]
In Praise of "Long Glass…" 22•Oct.•11

I am working on a new post highlighting my use of long telephoto lenses (or what’s commonly labeled “super-telephotos” in the camera manufacturer’s jargon). For photographing sports and an occasional news assignment with “Joe-subject” at a distant podium, while we’re positioned on those annoying press risers – there’s no substitute for me, as my main […]
*The making of a meaningful (sports) portrait. Feb. 2010
Eric Culver of New Paltz High School photographed in the pool at SUNY New Paltz in New Paltz, NY on Friday, February 19, 2010. Culver is an Olympic hopeful, qualifying for the 2012 U.S. Olympic trials. Times Herald-Record/CHET GORDON_____________________________________________________ *Sometimes you hit a home run. With the bases loaded, in the bottom of the ninth […]