I kind of thought this image worked pretty nicely today, considering this man arrived late and missed the afternoon prayer. I’d already made the usual “safe” images of the afternoon prayer when the mosque was literally filled wall to wall. (You know, those all too familiar images with the mosque full of worshipers, all kneeling in coordinated prayer.) I was just putting on my shoes in the foyer and leaving with the reporter when this man showed up, as it was his first time praying at this mosque here in town. And he was from Senegal too… ~cg.
A Senegalese man prays alone during the first day of Ramadan at the Masjid Al-Ikhlas mosque in Newburgh, NY on Friday, July 20, 2012. Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It is a period of prayer, fasting, charity-giving and self-accountability for Muslims in the United States. The first verses of the Koran (Qu’ran) were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during the last third of Ramadan, making this an especially holy period. CHET GORDON/Times Herald-Record
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