For the past 12 years or so, I’ve been producing my own “Holiday series” cards. What initially started out as a few late nights slumped over developing trays in the darkroom at The Journal News in White Plains, NY in the mid-90’s. (Boy that all seems like eons ago…) has progressed into a full-blown work schedule, and in past years, a mailing list of nearly 100 recipients. One year I think I put 105 cards in the mail.
Production of the cards has progressed along with my PhotoShop and Microsoft Word skills, as well as the self-assigning the work to actually photograph an image(s) intended for the card production. A lot of those early images were intentionally made on the streets of New York City, particularly found while roaming around the East Village neighborhood in lower Manhattan. Seemed as though I was always able to find compelling imagery down there. I will have to put together some sort of collage of those earlier images, as they’ve become a collector’s item for quite a few friends and colleagues. As a photojournalist, there probably isn’t any greater honor than to have a viewer make the effort to keep my work. -cg.
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night…”
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