"Pomp…" 20•May•10
“Duty, Honor, Country…” Brigade Command Sergeant Major Richard S. Starks secures his saber in formation during the Superintendent’s Awards and Farewell Review at the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY on Thursday, May 20, 2010. Times Herald-Record/CHET GORDON Yesterday was my first official Graduation Week event at the United States Military Academy (USMA) […]
ARMY – NAVY Game & Spirit Week Dec. 2009
Cadets cheer as a boat representing Navy burns during a rally, bonfire and send off for the Army football team at Daly Field at the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY on Thursday, December 10, 2009. Army will play Navy in the annual Army – Navy game on Saturday in Philadelphia. Times Herald-Record/CHET […]
"POTUS…" West Point, NY 1 Dec. 09

President Barack Obama enters Eisenhower Hall to deliver his national address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY on Tuesday, December 1, 2009. President Obama called for an additional 30,000 troops be sent to Afghanistan. Times Herald-Record/CHET GORDON President Obama. There is something so spectacularly special about drawing the assignment to photograph […]
*"What a Difference a Week Makes…" Army 16 – Vanderbilt 13 in OT.
Just a short week ago, Army kicker Alex Carlton was literally an “untouchable” after missing the potential game winner at home against Tulane. (see my earlier post “Wide Right” below.) Today, he was the hero. It was his show. He kicked three field goals, with the last one a 42-yard shot that actually hit the […]
Combat Outpost (COP) field training for senior cadets at the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY. Cadet Mike Zhou (21) of Forest Hills, NY secures his M240 machine gun in the back of a Humvee during a mounted patrol mission as part of their Combat Outpost (COP) field training at the United States […]
2009 West Point Graduation *(by the numbers…) 23•May•09
Graduating cadets toss their covers skyward during the United States Military Academy 2009 Graduation and Commissioning Ceremony at Michie Stadium in West Point, NY on Saturday, May 23, 2009. 970 cadets received their diplomas and were commissioned as 2nd. Lieutenants in the U.S. Army. Times Herald-Record/CHET GORDON This past Saturday was my third West Point […]
"I know I’ve made this same, exact image before…" 04•19•09
It happens a lot (to me) in the process of just working. Of just putting yourself in place to make a “nice image.” Or perhaps a few dozen. You never know. Bring the gear you’ll need; i.e. a long lens, strobe for fill-flash, and a willingness to keep challenging yourself to “get closer” or do […]
"The West Point Experience"
Covering the USMA in 2008. Since it’s contest time again, I’ve been reviewing a lot of my work from 2008, particularly at the United States Military Academy. For the past few months I’ve thought about putting together a piece like this containing the best images I’ve shot there at West Point. Here’s my take on […]
109th. ARMY – NAVY Game. Philadelphia, PA. 12•06•08
Just getting home at 1AM from Philadelphia after covering my second ARMY – NAVY Game on Saturday. I’ll post a slideshow of my take on the game later today, complete with more on the weekend of preparation, notes & thoughts on covering this football rivalry between the two service academies.OK, Here goes: My day for […]
Army – Air Force Football. Nov. 1, 2008.
“Oh Doctor…!” It doesn’t get much better than this on our end. Army vs. Air Force in a battle of the two military academies here at West Point yesterday. Beautiful crisp Fall day. Two remote cameras. A 12 noon kickoff time. Actually I treated this game as more like a prep for the upcoming annual […]
"ARMY Football, Bobby Knight & Air Force One…"
Well, it was some weekend, and I am just getting around to recapping the assignments. First of all, thanks to my colleague & fellow Vet, Scott Strine. Scott loaned me his 400mm f/2.8AF for the ARMY – Akron game down the road at West Point on Saturday. Regardless of the game’s outcome, I had a […]
Shooting Stock. (or how I spent the Labor Day Holiday Weekend. Aug. 31 – Sept. 1, 2008.)
It was a good weekend to totally relax, get away & be away. Even though I stayed relatively close to home. Concentrated on making personal images starting out on Sunday, and into Monday along the Hudson River. I wanted to of course make something fresh for my stock photography agency, THE IMAGE WORKS. Made it […]
Ending the Week that was. August 24, 2008.
this was some week, spiritually, financially, emotionally, and when I had a little time in between, creatively. to say this week kicked my butt with some troubling personal issues is a grand understatement. but, as in the past, you learn to put on a happy face, dig-in and continue to march. thanks to the wonderful […]
remote |riˈmōt| adjective ( -moter , -motest )
1 • (of an electronic device) operating or operated by means of radio or infrared signals. or remote control noun control of a machine or apparatus from a distance by means of signals transmitted from a radio or electronic device. *I cannot say enough about the use of remote cameras in this business and how […]
Army – Navy Football in Baltimore, MD. Saturday, Dec. 1, 2007.
8:45PM. I’m starting with this image and how I covered the Army – Navy Football game. After a long, cold day at the ballpark in Baltimore, MD, I ran into these Hispanic workers using leaf blowers to clean the stands. That obviously meant I was in the stadium way too long after a 12 noon […]