"More Snow…" 7•Jan.•11
The second snowstorm of the winter has blanketed our area in the Northeast. Since I made it out to the airport this morning to look for airport and aircraft related imagery in the snow, it kind of worked out nicely as we wrote about today’s weather conditions, airline delays and scheduling in the paper / […]
"A Quiet Walk Thru the Neighborhood…" December 2010 Blizzard.
Spent a little time on my day off to walk the same neighborhood streets where I’ve covered recent homicides, funerals, car accidents and the like over the last few years. A couple of images made this afternoon that will be sent to my editorial stock agency, The Image Works. ~cg. NEWBURGH, NY. A pedestrian crosses […]
"Snow…!!!" 28•Feb•10
More on the snowstorm of February 2010. I can’t write on just one specific day of snowstorm coverage this week, so this is sort of a recap of the last 3-4 days, if you will. Basically it hammered us. We have two deaths reported here in our ciculation area of Orange County, NY. I couldn’t […]