*On Covering Hurricanes "K-I-M…" (Katrina, Irene, Mitch.)

NEWBURGH, NY. A woman examines debris onshore near The River Rose, and original paddle-wheel boat moored along the flooded Hudson River waterfront in Newburgh, NY on Sunday, August 28, 2011. Hurricane Irene knocked out power from South Carolina to Maine, and parts of New York State saw more than a foot of rain. © Chet Gordon/THE IMAGE WORKS

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS. A young boy pauses near a car covered with debris along the bank of the Rio Choluteca (Choluteca River) under the El Chile Bridge in Tegucigalpa, Honduras on Saturday, November 7, 1998. Hurricane Mitch left upwards of 11,000 dead and hundreds of thousands homeless in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and the rest of Central America. Floods and mudslides have leveled houses, buried villages and washed out major roadways and bridges, cutting off the northern and southern regions of Honduras. © Chet Gordon/THE IMAGE WORKS

NEW ORLEANS, LA. Destroyed homes in the Lower 9th. Ward of New Orleans, LA on Wednesday, June 28, 2006. Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf states 10 months ago. © Chet Gordon / THE IMAGE WORKS
Venturing around town this afternoon to make a few images of the rising Hudson River (top image) and early damage caused by Hurricane Irene, got me thinking of my past work at Hurricanes Katrina in June 2006 along the Gulf Coast and Mitch, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras back in 1998. Clearly Mitch was the most destructive of all hurricanes that I’ve seen to this day. Katrina’s numbers were devastating just as equally, but more so in terms of displaced, uprooted survivors, and sheer property damage in the Gulf States. And Irene these last few days…? I think the jury is still out on this one. Following are a few more archived images to sort of serve as a reminder of what severe hurricane damage looks like and the unforgivable destructive forces they bring… ~cg.

KATRINA. New Orleans, LA June 2006.

KATRINA. Gulfport, Mississippi. June 2006.
This entry was posted on Monday, August 29th, 2011 at 2:11 AM. It is filed under Travel: and tagged with central america, honduras, hurricane, irene, katrina, mitch, newburgh, NOLA.
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