Army National Guard soldier PFC Aaron Mondie salutes with the American flag prior to a funeral at the Orange County Veteran’s Cemetery in Goshen, NY on Friday, October 10, 2008. The Newburgh unit of the Military Forces Honor Guard of New York provides funeral services for active duty and former military personnel. Times Herald-Record/CHET GORDON
*This is the kind of story that reminds me why I became a photojournalist. Access. Observation. Truth with a camera. All buzz words in the business, sure, but this is what it’s all about for me. Nothing comes even close. I spent the day yesterday with soldiers in an Army National Guard unit that provide formal military funerals for active duty as well as prior service members (like me). This is part of a larger piece I’m working on with audio and hope to attend another funeral with full honors with this unit, as I have full behind the scene access into their preparation, rehearsals, etc. Stay tuned. Here’s a slideshow from the day with audio. “Semper Fi.” -cg.
*(Click the image above or click the arrow at the lower left of the player to start the slideshow. Enable full screen viewing by clicking the 4-way arrow icon above the captions button at lower right of the player. Remember to turn up your audio for the 2-minute piece. -cg.)
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