Yesterday (Monday) I took the plunge and began making what one might consider a drastic change to my web presence. After some much needed thought, and from a mere economic and cost cutting measure, I discontinued the hosting plan I’d had since launching my original website (left) back in 2002 or so. I’d also moved my domain name to a new host server with more features for web hosting than the original service. (I’d been paying yearly fees equivalent to what it cost to host a website ten years ago) so you know I was overpaying the last few years. After a few discussions the past few weeks with a colleague and fellow photographer, I also decided to upgrade to WordPress blog software (this new blog) and begin running things on my own server – meaning the “new” blog would be hosted on my server, and not on a freebie like the Google / BlogSpot servers as I’d had for the last 5 years or so. So this post tonight can sort of officially be considered the first new post on the new blog… There’s still quite a bit of back shop work to do here in the new software, but when everything is moved over from the old blog to this one with a slightly different theme (or design) it’ll look and flow quite nicely. Stay tuned and enjoy. “Cheers…!”
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