Newburgh players (L-R, standing): Marcus Henderson, Patrick Johnson, Michael McLeod, Will Bouton, Damon Cousar, and Davon McMillan (squatting) on Prospect Avenue in the City of Newburgh, NY on Thursday, March 18, 2010. Newburgh is the defending Class AA state champion and will face CBA of Albany in the state semifinal game on Saturday in Glens Falls. Times Herald-Record/CHET GORDON
It’s gonna be some weekend up in Glens Falls, NY. Off the top of my head – here’s some of what’s been keeping me up the last few nights: (4) – Arena strobes w/ appropriate clamps, tool bag, luggage cart, gaffers tape, about a dozen Pocket-Wizards, (4) – Canon camera bodies, (1) Nikon D-1X w/ 2 or 3 Nikon AF lenses (to use as a secondary remote body), 6 – Canon AF lenses, supporting gear such as digital camera battery charger, Mac PowerBook kit w/ spare battery, numerous CF cards, (6) – locking safety cables, about 200′ of heavy duty extension cords, 30 – AA batteries, more gaffer’s tape, black cine-foil, extra eyeglasses, and yet more gaffer’s tape. Oh yea, a few packs of gum too.
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